Welcome to Eat.Drink

Here at Eat.Drink, we do a lot of both :-) We trial a lot of recipes (mostly our own inventions) We try a lot of new drinks.. alcoholic and non alcoholic and we eat out resonably frequently so we thought that we might share what we are up to by reveiwing our foodie/boozy experiments and experiences - for your edification and enjoyment (and ours!)

Cheers, The Brunette and BombGuy

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Broadway Tearooms and Bakery

Saturday dawned, well, murky and overcast and while I would really I would like to say that the sun was shining and the birds were chirping and all that but I'd be lying.
BombGuy announced that it was Coffee and Cake Saturday and my beleagured liver and everything else groaned, but on a spiritual level I was genuinely excited.  I love our wee missions to try and find excellent cake and top notch coffee.
Today we thought we'd try the Broadway Tearooms and Bakery (also known as The Future Dough Company). We've been there before and it was good, before this though, other things had to be done. For example a reasonably nasty work out involving 30 rounds of 1 minute on the treadmill or Kick Bag with 30secs rest. 45 mins of pure sweaty torture, but it does make you feel more justified in eating tasty baked goods! Also we had to go pick up our tickets for the great Australian Job Search.. I am, after all, now uemployed. Six sleeps to Sydney Woohoo!
All of the ancilliary crap out of the way, it was off to Reefton for cake.  Now here's a fact for you about Reefton - it was the first place in New Zealand and the southern hemisphere to have a public supply of electricity and a trip to Blacks Point Museum is a very interesting way to spend a couple of hours if thats your thing.

So we arrived at The Broadway Tearooms and Bakery and unfortunately they were just closing so were only doing take aways.. But thats ok, it was sunny in reefton so sitting by the river wasnt a hardship.  We had a look in the cabinet and immediately spotted a chocolatey gatauexy cream covered arrangement that with very little to-do we got down on as it was the last piece.  The girl who served us was going to take it home but we beat her to it!

We ordered two flat whites and also bought a piece of chocolate brownie.  We were served by the owners' daughter who was lovely, makes great coffee and holds down two jobs, so is also impressively hard working!

The service was really good and all the girls were very pleasant and helpful even right on closing, so having aquired the goodies of we went to sit by the river and eat in the sun (the sun is a rare treat in itself).
The cake was a Chocolate Mousse Gateuax with raspberries and lots of whipped cream.
It was absolutely delighful, soft and light and very fresh. The layers of mousse were scattered with fresh raspberries and the whole thing was decorated with chocolate chips. The cake layers were also chocolate so it was kind of triple choc!  Anyway as I was saying it was really lovely, it was nice, light with a smooth texture and just enough raspberries to give a bit of acidity against the chocolate and cream. After eating it it didnt leave you feeling bogged down either which is always a pleasant change.  What nailed us was the completely unneccesary brownie that I purchased as well thinking the cake was smaller than it was (oops!).  Unneccesary or not it got eaten and it was also really good, rich, dense with a nice crust on the top dusted with icing sugar. A classic cake that was handled really nicely, the only thing that would have improved the brownie would be the addition of some nuts.

All in all very very nice, great service, excellent coffee and OMG cake!

the Verdict :  we both rate this 5/5

The Brunette.

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